Here are some of the sources I used in my Mashup video: This is a picture of the Hierarchy of Needs which is basically the steps it takes to achieve self actualization. This is a video of Walt Disney talking about the opening of Disneyland. He says, "Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America with the hope that it'll be a source of joy and inspiration." This video shows the life of walt disney. It goes through the important events of his life. This is a biography of Thomas Edison. It talks about his journey and his invention of the phonogram. This is a scene from the movie "Rocky" where he talks about how hard life is but the tough people are able to get back up, no matter how hard. This is the "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King junior. I should this as another reminder of people who work hard to achieve greatness.



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“Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.” (Henry David Thoreau). For my proposal, I talked about all of the different ways that people dream.

Click here to see my proposal page.
Miley Cryus. Probably the most talked about person nowadays. Everything she does seems to be a controversial act that people feel the need to comment or make fun of. One big example of this is her video for "Wrecking Ball." According to Cyrus: 
But most people did not see the deeper meaning and saw it as Miley just being naked and licking a bunch of stuff. There are countless parodies making fun of this video, which is where the intertextuality comes in. 
So basically, even though Miley Cyrus has deeper meaning for the things she does, people just disregard that and interpret her actions into something worse than her intentions. 
      In the videos "Everything is a Remix" by Kirby Ferguson, he talks about how basically each new idea (from music, movies, etc.) stems from older ideas. This goes along with the idea of Intertextuality which according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines as "The complex interrelationship between a text and other texts taken as basic to the creation or interpretation of text."
      He starts off the first part of the video by giving the definition of a remix which is "To combine or edit existing materials to produce something new." The part that stuck out most to me in all of the parts of the video was part 2 where Ferguson talks mostly about movies. He tells us that "of the ten highest grossing films per year from the past ten years, 74 out of 100 movies were either sequels, or remakes of earlier films or adaptations of comic books, video games, and so on." So basically, 75% of films made are not original ideas, but just new ways of showing already existing ideas. 
      I don't really see this as a surprising thing because if you think about it, everything comes from pre-exisiting things. That's how life is. Someone comes up with an idea, then people take that idea and change/expand it to create something newer and better. I think it would be almost impossible to come up with an 100% original idea nowadays. 
      I decided to look up movies that have been remade and I found a list of the 50 best remakes of movies:
      I think with all of these new technologies that are coming into the world, movies are still going to just be remade into crazier and better versions of the previous ones.        
Most of you know this girl as the "Overly Attached Girlfriend." Well her real name is Laina and for a contest to win Justin Bieber concert tickets, she made her own lyrics and put them to the music for the song "Boyfriend" by Bieb (Thats my nickname for him). The video went viral and now, there are countless amounts of memes with this (creepy) face in the middle of them. 
There are even combinations of other viral memes with this one:
She obviously didn't make all of these memes. Her face was just screenshot from her video and remixed into all of these crazy memes. 
After watching the four parts to "Everything's a Remix" by Kirby Furguson, I feel like I have so much knowledge in the subject of remixes. So many things in our world are just rip offs of older ideas. What I consider a rip off is someone taking someone's material, whether it is from music, movies, books, etc., and making it seem their own, without letting it be known that the material was previously used. From what I see, this is a very common thing to do nowadays. The genre I see things being most used in is music. There are countless remixes to songs out there. One thing that I never really noticed was the beats of songs, because to me, that is such a small part of the song that it is unnoticeable until someone points it out. One example of this is the song "Best Song Ever" by One direction and "Baba O'Riley" by The Who.
As you can see, they both have the same melody. The only reason I knew this is because if this video: 
ow in my opinion, I do not find this to be a big deal. I think it's pretty much impossible to come up with anything that is 100% original nowadays, but as long is the rightful credit is given to the owner, it's all good. 
      Commenting on Youtube videos is a new experience for me. I have never commented on any Youtube video. I never even really bother to look at comments on videos so this who assignment has opened my eyes into the world on commenting. It is actually pretty cool to go through comments and see how people react to a video. I watch a lot of videos that some may find offensive, so it's funny to go through and see people who don't find the video funny and write such hateful things. 
      I think this assignment has given me a new perspective on commenting and what goes into it. I've noticed that people write either really hateful comments or really nice comments, both to get attention from the user who put the video up. It is a really interesting thing to observe. Now I find myself going through comments to see what people are saying about videos.

      That picture is basically what I have been looking like for the past few weeks: Stressed! Not only for this class, but for all of my other ones as well. I guess this is a good thing because I once heard someone say, "Life is like math- if it is too easy, then something is wrong."
       This week in class, we met with our groups to go over the second draft of the Twitterive assignment. At that point, my second draft was not completely done, but I had the gist of what I was going to write. Each of us shared whatever we had done with each other. I explained that my story was about a girl who is addicted to technology not such an outdoorsy person but is convinced by her roommates to get out and go apple picking. She has a good time and wants to take a picture to remember the day and gets caught by Amish police and is sent to Amish jail. They both seemed to think the idea was good. I informed them that I was not to sure on how to end my story. Unfortunately, they were not too helpful with this. No one really had an idea on what would be a good ending for it. 
      At this point, I was nervous that I was not going to be able to come up with a good ending to bring my story to a close. I knew that I wanted to end with the lesson that technology is a burden and that people need to stop being on it constantly, but it was hard coming up with coming up how to get there. 
      As of now, I have  few different ideas on how to end the story. I am getting feedback from my friends and family to see which one fits best. I also want to go back and add background details to my story, so the reader can know about the relationships between the characters. Although the third draft is due on Tuesday and I will have to present it to the class, I don't think it will be fully done by then. I think I will want to go back to it to make it even better. 
     While in the process of writing my twitterive, there are many things to keep in mind. Number one is how am I going to make all o this into a well written story that is going to be fun and entertaining.  Although I am not exactly sure if I have accomplished that yet, I know that I have filled the important criteria of a story, which is Who What, Where, When, Why and How. By figuring out those questions, it has helped me get the basis for my story and now all I have to do is tweak it around to make it into a great story that everyone will enjoy. 

Who is the main character?:
The main character of my story is a college girl named Lindsay. Every since she got her phone for her birthday, she has been attached to it. Always updating her Facebook status or posting selfies on Instagram. Lindsay is not a fan of going out, unless she is driving to the mall, going out to a party, or tanning at the beach. 

What is the story about?:
The story is an adventure/comedy about Lindsay stepping out of her comfort zone. Her roommates, Stella and Carly, force her to go apple picking with them, which she is not too happy about. They run into trouble on the way and end up having to go to an apple picking farm in Pennsylvania. Without knowing, they end up at an Amish apple picking farm. Lindsay ends up having a great time and wants to take a picture to remember the day. An Amish police officer catches them and confiscates Lindsay's phone and throws them in Amish jail. 

Where does the story take place?:
The story starts off at their apartment at Rowan University. They travel to Pennsylvania to an apple picking farm. Then it takes place in Amish jail. 

When does the story take place?:
The story takes place in present day. On a Sunday in the fall. 

Why does the conflict happen?:
The conflict of the story occurs when Lindsay takes out her phone in the middle of the apple picking farm to take a picutre. The Amish people do not believe in technology and are enraged when she takes the picture. 

How does the conflict happen?:
The conflict of the story occurs because Lindsay took out her phone to take a picture, unaware that the Amish community is very against technology and picture taking.