In the videos "Everything is a Remix" by Kirby Ferguson, he talks about how basically each new idea (from music, movies, etc.) stems from older ideas. This goes along with the idea of Intertextuality which according to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines as "The complex interrelationship between a text and other texts taken as basic to the creation or interpretation of text."
      He starts off the first part of the video by giving the definition of a remix which is "To combine or edit existing materials to produce something new." The part that stuck out most to me in all of the parts of the video was part 2 where Ferguson talks mostly about movies. He tells us that "of the ten highest grossing films per year from the past ten years, 74 out of 100 movies were either sequels, or remakes of earlier films or adaptations of comic books, video games, and so on." So basically, 75% of films made are not original ideas, but just new ways of showing already existing ideas. 
      I don't really see this as a surprising thing because if you think about it, everything comes from pre-exisiting things. That's how life is. Someone comes up with an idea, then people take that idea and change/expand it to create something newer and better. I think it would be almost impossible to come up with an 100% original idea nowadays. 
      I decided to look up movies that have been remade and I found a list of the 50 best remakes of movies:
      I think with all of these new technologies that are coming into the world, movies are still going to just be remade into crazier and better versions of the previous ones.        

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